Master in Economics in Germany

Why Study in Germany?

Study in Germany, one of the world’s most stunning and technologically sophisticated nations, where students can benefit from innovative educational and technology projects. International students are especially drawn to it because of its cutting-edge facilities, reasonable cost of living, and excellent educational program. Germany is a well-liked place for international students looking for top-notch educational and job chances due to its inventive discoveries and robust economy. German customs and picturesque landscapes are introduced to students in a stimulating classroom setting that takes cues from the country’s rich and varied past.

The immigration laws pertaining to the Germany student visa are especially influenced. After obtaining your visa, you can apply for a German residency permit, which is good for several years after graduation and lets you travel to the Schengen region without a visa. Indian students can begin their academic careers in a dynamic and enticing country like Germany with a study visa, broadening their horizons, forming amazing contacts, and improving their knowledge and skills.

Many people give considerable thought to the cost of studying abroad. Thankfully, tuition at German universities is usually less expensive than at other universities in Europe. Pupils who have flexible payment options may experience a reduction in anxiety regarding their financial ability to pay for their education. Cities in Germany have relatively low cost of living and moderately affordable education. Many German cities offer moderately affordable transportation, a wide range of food options, services, and more educational opportunities as compared to other European towns.

Why Study Economics?

Acquiring knowledge of economic theory is one thing; creating the means to make business judgments is quite another. Economics will give you specific analytical tools in addition to teaching you the fundamentals. Gaining knowledge in economics can help you get employment in many different sectors. Studying economics can help you develop both analytical thinking and sophisticated problem-solving abilities, which are at the top of the list of transferable talents that employers will value by 2025, according to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report. Furthermore, understanding of economic theories, models, and linkages is necessary for many professions. Students studying economics may choose to pursue careers in banking, insurance, politics, finance, or healthcare administration. Additionally, since an understanding of the economics underlying your sector might make you more effective in your work, you’ll be able to advance your career in your current field.

Study in Germany, Top Universities Offering a Master in Economics in 2024

  • University of Bayreuth
  • TU Dortmund University
  • University of Bonn
  • Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
  • Osnabrück University

Study Master in Economics at the University of Bayreuth

The University of Bayreuth offers a Master of Science in Economics as a full-time 2-year course divided into 4 semesters. Students enrolled in the Master of Economics program will gain understanding of contemporary economic theories and how to apply them at an advanced theoretical level. Students interested in gaining advanced analytical and quantitative training are the program’s target audience.


  • Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) with combined credits in statistics, econometrics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and mathematics that match those needed for the University of Bayreuth’s Bachelor of Economics program
  • GRE Top quartile results on the General Test for candidates with degrees from non-EU universities
  • TOEFL iBT minimum 90 or IELTS minimum 7.0

Students can enrol in this program for either the winter or summer intake with English serving as the medium of teaching. There is no tuition fee at this university, however, a semester contribution of 143 EUR which is approximately 12,800 INR which has to be paid. Indian students must also get a Germany student visa.

Study Master in Economics at the TU Dortmund University

The TU Dortmund University offers a Master of Science in Econometrics as a 2-year full-time course divided into 4 semesters. Graduates of the econometrics curriculum are able to explain and analyse problems in businesses, research, government, financial institutions, and other organisations quantitatively using mathematical models. In addition to having a thorough comprehension of basic economic causal links and the econometric concerns that follow, they also possess a thorough understanding of statistical methodology.

Students can enrol in this program for the winter intake with English serving as the medium of teaching. There is no tuition fee at this university, however, a semester contribution of 350 EUR which is approximately 31,800 INR which has to be paid. In addition to fulfilling the university-specific criteria, Indian students must also get a Germany student visa.

Study Master in Economics at the University of Bonn

University of Bonn offers a full-time, 2-year Master of Science in Economics which is divided into 4 semesters. Graduates of the University of Bonn’s Master of Science in Economics degree are prepared for leadership roles in organisations and businesses that demand sophisticated analytical abilities, as well as an academic career. This curriculum is focused on research and quantitative methods. It provides a strong foundation in economics as well as specialised instruction, along with the chance to work with internationally recognized researchers in the subject. Students are introduced to contemporary issues and arguments in economic research through the program.


  • A bachelor’s degree in economics (BSc) or its equivalent, with a final grade that translates to the German “good” (2.3) or higher,
  • A strong foundation in statistics econometrics, and mathematics
  • TOEFL iBT score of 87 or higher


  • IELTS score of 6.0 or higher

Students can enrol in this program for the winter intake with English serving as the medium of teaching. There is no tuition fee at this university, however, a semester contribution of 330 EUR which is approximately 29,000 INR which has to be paid. Indian students must also get a Germany study visa.

Study Master in Economics at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

This university offers a Master of Science in Economics as a full-time, 2-year course divided into 4 semesters. It has a required section that elevates students’ theoretical and methodical training to a far higher degree than many other Master’s programs in Economics. The Reading Courses and Economics Seminars incorporate cutting-edge teaching strategies that highlight the course’s contemporary nature. Students who want to work in research and research-related institutions in the future are the program’s main target audience.


  • A bachelor’s degree with at least 180 ECTS after completing the degree program, with an emphasis on mathematical analysis, social science, or economic science
  • A minimum of 24 ECTS in mathematics and statistics
  • A minimum of 24 ECTS in subjects linked to economics
  • A final German grading system grade of at least 2.5
  • TOEFL iBT score of at least 90 or IELTS score of at least 5.5

Students can enrol in this program for either the winter or summer intake with English serving as the medium of teaching. There is no tuition fee at this university, however, a semester contribution of 320 EUR which is approximately 28,700 INR which has to be paid. Indian students must also get a Germany study visa.

Study Master in Economics at the Osnabrück University

Osnabrück University offers a Master of Science in Economics as a 2-year course divided into 4 semesters. This master’s degree in economics stands out for its unique combination of teaching methods, giving students the chance to specialise in certain areas while simultaneously receiving a broad education in the subject. Numerous advanced modules covering a wide range of topics, including public finance, international economic policy, statistics/econometrics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and environmental economics, are offered by the curriculum. Students can choose to specialise in Sustainability, Behavior and Environmental Policy or Empirical Economics, depending on the combinations of subjects they take.


  • Bachelor’s degree certificate or transcript of records of at least 150 ECTS credits in economics or related fields
  • Applicants must demonstrate English proficiency to at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Students can enrol in this program for either the winter or summer intake with English serving as the medium of teaching. There is no tuition fee at this university, however, a semester contribution of 350 EUR which is approximately 31,400 INR which has to be paid. Indian students must also get a Germany study visa.

These were the major universities offering a Master in Economics in Germany in 2024.

Jobs that are directly relevant to the degree are

  • Actuarial analyst
  • Chartered accountant
  • Compliance officer
  • Data analyst
  • Economist
  • External auditor
  • Financial risk analyst
  • Investment analyst
  • Political risk analyst
  • Risk manager
  • Statistician
  • Stockbroker

Apply through ICEF Trained Agent Counsellor

If you are planning to study in Germany for a Master in Economics in 2024 then contact ICEF Trained Agent Counsellors, who offer guidance on Germany study visa. West Highlander, led by Ms Parwinder Kaur, an ICEF Trained Agent Counsellor, who has been providing expert advice on studying abroad for over 18 years.