New Zealand Top Courses, Best Colleges and Fees

An LIA Licensed Immigration Adviser has compiled the information for New Zealand Top Courses, Best Colleges and Fees. International students who are planning to study in New Zealand must know about the New Zealand Top Courses, Best Colleges and Fees. In this article, Indian students can find answers to their common queries like: What courses is best to study in New Zealand? What are the fees of New Zealand colleges?

List of colleges in New Zealand for international students, Universities in New Zealand for Masters, Cheapest colleges in New Zealand for international students, and Tuition fees in New Zealand for international students. Ms.Parwinder Kaur at West Highlander is an LIA licensed Immigration Adviser and she has been assisting study in New Zealand aspirants to get their New Zealand study visa for the past 17 years. You will step by step guidance for New Zealand student visa process at West Highlander.

In this blog

What are the different types of educational institutions in New Zealand?

List of colleges in New Zealand for international students

Tuition fees in New Zealand for international students

Top courses to study in New Zealand

What are the different types of educational institutions in New Zealand?

When international students make a decision to study in New Zealand, the first thing to consider is: What are the different types of educational institutions in New Zealand? It is especially important to consider the different types of educational institutions in New Zealand as they decide the Tuition fee for Masters in New Zealand and Tuition fees in New Zealand for international students. International students must consider that the Tuition fee for Masters in New Zealand depends on the university or institution they want to study in New Zealand.

There are 3 different types of educational institutions in New Zealand. Firstly there are a total of 8 universities in New Zealand and international students can choose as per their preference and academic/work history. Secondly, there is Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, which consists of sixteen Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics. The main goal of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology is to provide work based to international students.

The third type of educational institutions in New Zealand are PTE’s in New Zealand. These PTE’s in New Zealand are further divided into Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3 by New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). Depending on these different types of educational institutions in New Zealand, the Tuition fee for Masters in New Zealand 2023 will vary which will be explained further along.

Tuition fees in New Zealand for international students is highest in universities and then the amount keeps getting lower as per the level of the institution. The approximate tuition fees in New Zealand for international students, as per the program they choose to study in New Zealand will be mentioned below.

List of colleges in New Zealand for international students

As mentioned above study in New Zealand aspirants have good options, whether they want to study in universities, colleges or Te Pūkenga institutes. However, many international students look for a good List of colleges in New Zealand for international students. We have carefully formed a List of colleges in New Zealand for international students, so that you can choose as per your preferences. List of colleges in New Zealand for international students is mentioned below.

  • Whitireia – Te Pūkenga
  • Whitecliffe College
  • Eastern Institute of Technology – Te Pūkenga
  • Yoobee College
  • AUT – Auckland University of Technology
  • Ara Institute of Canterbury – Te Pūkenga
  • Waikato Institute of Technology – Te Pūkenga
  • Auckland Institute of Studies
  • Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) – Te Pūkenga

Indian students who want detailed information for List of colleges in New Zealand for international students, can get in touch with the best New Zealand study visa consultant in Chandigarh, West Highlander.

Tuition fees in New Zealand for international students

Tuition fees is an important factor to consider while choosing a program and institute to study in New Zealand. Tuition fees in New Zealand for international students varies from program to program and also the level of program on New Zealand Qualifications Framework. There is a certain hierarchy for Tuition fees in New Zealand for international students. For instance the Tuition fees in New Zealand for international students would be higher in a university in New Zealand as compared to a Te Pūkenga Institute. The Tuition fees in New Zealand for international students is higher in a Te Pūkenga Institute in comparison to PTE’s in New Zealand.

We can understand this better by taking an example. If an international student wants to study Master’s in Management in New Zealand, then the approximate tuition fees in a university would be NZ $52,000. However, the Tuition fee for Masters in New Zealand for the same program would be NZ $38,000 in a Te Pūkenga Institute. The same program in PTE’s in New Zealand would cost around NZ $31,000-$32,000. This explains the approximate Tuition fee for Masters in New Zealand. International students must check the exact tuition fees on college websites or you can contact the best New Zealand study visa consultant in Chandigarh, West Highlander to know about tuition fees.

Top courses to study in New Zealand            

New Zealand offers a wide range of programs to international students and regardless of you academic background you can find a suitable program to study in New Zealand, which would help you throughout your career. However, before choosing from the Top courses to study in New Zealand, you must make sure the program has post study work visa rights.

This is especially important for the Diploma programs in New Zealand.  As per the New Post Study Work Visa rules for New Zealand 2023, international students can only get post study work visa after level 6 or level 7 or below diploma programs if the program is listed under the green list of New Zealand. Green list has a list of occupations that are in demand in New Zealand. Some of the Top courses to study in New Zealand are mentioned below and they are available in the top colleges in New Zealand.

Animation                                                            Engineering

Medicine                                                               Business Studies

Engineering Forestry                                          Hospitality

IT and Computer Science                                   Agriculture

Art and design                                                       Nursing

Trades                                                                     Business management

Health care                                                            Sports management