Top Tourism and Hospitality Programs in New Zealand

One of the major contributors to the economy of New Zealand is Tourism and Hospitality Management. So there are top tourism and hospitality programs in New Zealand are offered to international students. If you want to pursue the top tourism and hospitality program in New Zealand and you also want to study in New Zealand then it is a treat to pursue top tourism and hospitality management programs in New Zealand for international students.

This article contains all the information about the Top Tourism and Hospitality Programs in New Zealand for international students. To learn more about the top tourism and hospitality programs in New Zealand, you can contact West Highlander- the best immigration consultants in Chandigarh. Your profile will be accessed by our expert counsellors and will be guided on what program is best for you. All our services are free for students.

Major Intakes for Top Tourism and Hospitality Programs in New Zealand-

February and July.

List of universities that offer the top Tourism and Hospitality Programs in New Zealand for international students-

  • The University of Waikato
  • Lincoln University
  • Victoria University
  • Aspire 2 International
  • Toi Ohomai
  • Le Cordon Bleu
  • Auckland University of Technology

There are a number of top Tourism and Hospitality Programs in New Zealand for international students. This article will enlighten you with all the information you need to know about the top tourism and hospitality programs in New Zealand if you want to study in New Zealand.

Top Tourism and Hospitality Programs in New Zealand for International Students-

  1. The University of Waikato

There are a number of top tourism and hospitality programs in New Zealand which is offered by The University of Waikato. There are a number of top tourism and hospitality programs at The University of Waikato which are mentioned below-

  • Bachelor of Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours
  • Graduate Certificate in Tourism & Hospitality Management
  • Graduate Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management

The programs that are mentioned above are the top tourism and hospitality programs in New Zealand and will help you prepare for an exciting global career in an industry which will be helpful in finding out what visitors want and satisfy their needs. You can also start a business and also start your business in tourism and hospitality business. These programs will help you prepare for the following career opportunities-

  • Restaurant/Bar Manager
  • Catering Services Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Government Policy Advisor
  • Business Entrepreneur
  • Adventure Tourism Operator
  • Sports Manager
  • Tourism/Hospitality Business Consultant
Name of Program Duration Fees per year
Bachelor of Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management


3 years $34,695
Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours


3 years $34,695
Graduate Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management


1 year $29,425 – $43,850


  1. Lincoln University

There are a number of top tourism and hospitality programs in New Zealand which is offered by Lincoln University. There are a number of top tourism and hospitality programs at Lincoln University which are mentioned below-

  • Bachelor of Commerce- Hotel and Tourism Management
  • Bachelor of Tourism Management

These top tourism and hospitality management programs will help you prepare for a number of career opportunities in the Hotel and Hospitality Management field.

Name of Program Duration Fees per year
Bachelor of Commerce- Hotel and Tourism Management


3 years $31,000
Bachelor of Tourism Management


3 years $31,000


The programs that are mentioned above are the top tourism and hospitality management programs in New Zealand which are offered at Lincoln University. These programs will cultivate knowledge in areas of global supply and business systems and principles.

  1. Victoria University

There are a number of top tourism and hospitality programs in New Zealand which is offered by Victoria University. There are a number of top tourism and hospitality programs at Victoria University which are mentioned below-

  • Bachelors Degree in Hospitality Management
  • Associate Degree in Hospitality and Hotel Management
  • Diploma in Hospitality Management
  • Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management
Name of programs Duration Fees per sem
Bachelors Degree in Hospitality Management


3 years $16,700
Associate Degree in Hospitality and Hotel Management 2 years $9,500
Diploma in Hospitality Management


1 year $6,636
Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management


1.5 years $7157


  1. Aspire 2 International

Aspire 2 International is another great institute in New Zealand which offers the best tourism and hospitality management programs in New Zealand for international students. Some of them are mentioned below-

  • New Zealand Diploma in Hospitality Management (Level-5)
  • New Zealand Diploma in Hospitality Management (Level-6)
Name of programs Duration Fees per year
New Zealand Diploma in Hospitality Management (Level-5)


40 weeks $21,000
New Zealand Diploma in Hospitality Management (Level-6)


40 weeks $21,000


  1. PIHMS-

Pacific International Hotel Management School is another amazing place to study in New Zealand. There are a number of Hospitality management programs are offered at PIHMS to international students. Some of them are mentioned below-

  • Master of Hospitality Management (Level-9)
  • Bachelor of Applied Hospitality and Tourism Management


Name of programs Duration Fees per year
Master of Hospitality Management (Level-9)


18 months $36,000
Bachelor of Applied Hospitality and Tourism Management


3 years $23,000


  1. Toi Ohomai-

Toi Ohomai is another institution that will help you become a leader or entrepreneur in the tourism and Hospitality management industry. There are a number of programs that are offered by this institute in New Zealand. Some of them are mentioned below-

  • Bachelor of Applied Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Management
Name of programs Duration Fees per year
Bachelor of Applied Hospitality and Tourism Management


3 years $25,000
Postgraduate Diploma in Management 1 year $27,500


  1. Le Cordon Bleu

Le Cordon Bleu is another institute that offers a number of tourism and hospitality management programs in New Zealand.

  • Master of International Hospitality Management
Name of programs Duration Fees per year
Master of International Hospitality Management


2 years $54,000


  1. Auckland University of Technology

AUT comes in the top 1% universities of in the world. There are a number of undergraduate and graduate programs in tourism and hospitality are offered to international students.

Name of programs Duration Fees per year
BA in Global Tourism 3 years
Bachelor of International Hospitality Management 3 years $36,000


Some of these institutes also offer paid internships to international students.

These are some of the best and top tourism and hospitality management programs in New Zealand. To learn more information about the best tourism and hospitality management programs, you can contact West Highlander, the best immigration consultants in Chandigarh. Our director, Ms. Parwinder Kaur is an LIA agent. She is authorized to guide the Indian students who want to study in New Zealand. We offer free services to students.

Top Tourism and Hospitality Programs in New Zealand Eligibility Criteria-

In order to be eligible for the undergraduate tourism and hospitality management programs, you must have at least 50-60% in your 12th and an IELTS score of overall 6 bands with no band less than 5.5 bands in each module. To get admission to graduate tourism and hospitality management programs, you must have 65% in your bachelors in hospitality management or related disciplines. An IELTS score of overall 6.5 bands with no band less than 6 in each module is also required in order to get admission to these graduate programs.

Career Opportunities after completing Tourism and Hospitality Management programs in New Zealand-

As we all know Tourism and Hospitality Management is the major contributor to the economy of New Zealand. So there will be a number of career opportunities that will emerge after you complete Tourism and Hospitality Management programs in New Zealand. Some of them are-

  • Marketing Executive
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Events Coordinator
  • Government Operations Executive
  • Food and Beverage Attendant
  • Catering Manager
  • Hotel Manager

Frequently Asked Questions-

Is New Zealand good for hospitality industry?

As we already know tourism and hospitality play an important role in the economy of New Zealand. There is a huge demand for tourism and hospitality management programs in New Zealand. The programs are designed in such a way that they will offer you the best education in tourism and hospitality management. Students who want assistance with a New Zealand student visa can contact West Highlander, the best immigration consultant in Chandigarh.

Which course is best in hospitality and tourism?

There are a number of programs that are offered in hospitality and tourism. All the programs that are offered by following institutes are the best in hospitality and tourism-

  • The University of Waikato
  • Lincoln University
  • Victoria University
  • Toi Ohomai
  • Le Cordon Bleu
  • Aspire 2 International

Which country is best for tourism and hospitality?

Yes, New Zealand is the best for tourism in hospitality. If you want to study in New Zealand and pursue those programs in New Zealand which are offered by the best country for tourism and hospitality.