New Zealand student dependent visa

New Zealand is one of the preferred destinations for international students who would like to get a degree abroad.

Study in New Zealand comes with lots of benefits for International students. Some of them are as below

  • Globally recognised qualification
  • Part time work during study
  • Post study work visa of up to 3 years depending on the level of course of study in New Zealand
  • Supporting visitor visas and work visas for dependent spouse
  • Supporting student visas and visitor visas for dependent children

One of the biggest attractions is that your dependent spouse and children may apply for their visas and be with you while you are on New Zealand study visa.

As per the New Zealand student visa policy a New Zealand student visa holder may support work visa or visitor visa for their dependent spouses. Whether you apply for New Zealand student dependent visa under the category of a visitor visa or a Work visa depends on the level of the qualification your spouse in doing in New Zealand.

There are of course other factors on which the New Zealand student dependent visa depends.

In New Zealand the qualifications are divided at different levels. Whether your spouse can apply visitor visa or work visa depends on the level of qualification you are studying in New Zealand.

PhD in New Zealand

If you are doing PhD New Zealand which is at level 10 of New Zealand qualification framework then your dependent spouse and dependent children may apply for following visa

Dependent spouse

Your partner may apply for work visa based on your status of New Zealand study visa holder. As per the policy your partner qualifies to apply for work visa.

Dependent Children

Your dependent children may apply for New Zealand student visa. As per the policy you may support student visa for your dependent child based on your status.

Masters in New Zealand at Level 9 of New Zealand qualification framework

The qualification at Masters Level is at level 8 of New Zealand qualification framework. If you are doing a Masters degree in New Zealand then your spouse and children may apply for following visas

Dependent spouse

As per the policy your dependent spouse may apply for work visa that is you may support work visa application for your partner.

Dependent Children

You children may apply for visitor visa based on your status. If you would like to apply for student visa of your dependent children then the best possible approach could be that your spouse applied for work visa and then your spouse supports student visa for your children. In this way you may be able to apply for student visa of your dependent children.

Qualification at Level 7 or Level 8 included in Long Term Skill shortage list (LTSSL)

If you are studying a Qualification at Level 7 or Level 8 included in Long Tern Skill shortage list in New Zealand then your spouse and children may apply for following visas

Dependent partner

Your spouse may apply for work visa as a New Zealand student dependent.

Dependent Children

Your dependent children may apply for Visitor visa. As per the policy you may apply for visitor visa of your children

Other qualification at Level 7 or Level 8

If you are studying other qualification at Level 7 or Level 8 which is not included in the Long Term Skill Shortage list then your dependents may apply for following visas

Dependent spouse

Your dependent spouse may apply for visitor visa based on your status

Dependent Children

Your children may apply for visitor visa for New Zealand based on your New Zealand student visa status.

All other qualification

For all other qualifications like diplomas at level 5 and level 6 your spouse may apply for visitor visas.