Located in central-western Europe, Germany is a social market economy with high level of innovation and low level of corruption. The education system of the country is distinctly developed and has excellence in research and teaching. They provide a unique blend of theory and practice in a congenial and pro-active learning environment. The country has a welcoming culture towards international students and similar facilities are provided to domestic and international students.
To study in Germany, the international students are required to fulfil a few conditions regarding funds and financials and these are as follows –
Tuition Fee – The tuition fee expense in Germany is considerably less than other popular study abroad destinations like Canada, Australia. It ranges between EUR7000-12000 according to the course and institution preference. After obtaining an Offer Letter from German educational institution, the international students are required to make conditional payment with the institution of about EUR2000-3000.
Living Expenses – The Germany study visa requires from students to open up a Blocked Account or Sperrkonto which is a confirmation that student has sufficient funds to support himself while his stay in Germany. In it, the students are required to deposit about EUR9000 for one year stay in Germany and this amount is available to student as a monthly allowance of EUR735.
Travel Expense – The students are required to have enough funds to acquire a return ticket to home country after completion of studies.
Insurance Coverage – The students are required to obtain an insurance coverage of an amount equivalent to INR 10,000 or EUR120 approximately.
Show money – For Germany study visa, there is no requirement to show money but to strengthen the case, you can show funds. As other countries usually require funds to be old and the source of funds to be revealed but there is no such requirement in Germany.
Embassy Fee – To lodge the file in embassy, the international students are required to pay INR 4,500 as Embassy fee.
These are the funds and financial requirements to be fulfilled to acquire Germany study visa, although, meeting these requirements do not guarantee visa arrival. Study in Germany is a lucrative option in the present time owing to high quality education at low price, remunerative work opportunities, etc. If you require more information regarding study abroad, you can contact West Highlander Consultancy. West Highlander is a renowned name in Chandigarh region owing to the qualitative and effective services provided by them. Contact No.: 9915999-677, 766.