How long One Can stay in Australia with a 309 visa

Everything you need to know about partner visa Australia and how long one can stay in Australia with a 309 visa. A MARA Agent and expert counselors have assembled the data for the partner visa Australia and all the other queries: partner visa 309 processing time 2023, partner visa 309 checklist, visa 309/100, partner visa Australia, partner visa Australia requirements, Is visa 309 permanent residency? How long does spouse visa 309 take Australia?

West Highlander has been the best partner visa Australia consultant in Chandigarh, for the past 17 years. Having so many years of experience we have a though understanding about the partner visa Australia process. The partner visa Australia aspirants would get step by step guidance from the best immigration consultants in Chandigarh. Get in touch with West Highlander to get services for partner visa Australia.

In this blog

How long One Can stay in Australia with a 309 visa

Partner visa 309 processing time 2023

Partner visa 309 checklist

Partner visa Australia

Partner visa Australia requirements

Is visa 309 permanent residency?

Visa 309/100

How long One Can stay in Australia with a 309 visa

A lot of Partner visa Australia 309 aspirants apply for this every year and generally have a very common question: How long One Can stay in Australia with a 309 visa. The Partner visa Australia lets the visa holders to stay in Australia temporarily until they get the outcome of the permanent Partner visa (subclass 100) application and this has a time period of up to 2 years. Partner visa Australia 309 holders have a lot of benefits and they can live, work or study in Australia while the permanent Partner visa is processed. Partner visa Australia 309 holders can also travel to and from Australia whenever they want.

Partner visa 309 processing time 2023

Partner visa 309 processing time 2023 is another important query from the Partner visa Australia 309 aspirants. The Partner visa 309 processing time 2023 varies from application to application and you can get the outcome in 6 months, 16 months or even up to 32 months.

Partner visa 309 checklist

There are many documents that need to be attached with Partner visa Australia 309 application. The most important documents in the Partner visa 309 checklist are mentioned below.

Marriage certificate: This is one of the most important document in Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309). As the Subclass 309 Partner visa Australia is based primarily on the marriage of the applicants.

Marriage photographs: This is another crucial part of Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309), because the photographs act as a proof to show the marriage is genuine.

Evidence that the relationship is publically recognized: These documents play an important part in Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309), as this shows that the relationship is publically recognized. Applicants can attach photographs of social gatherings, any family trips etc.

Evidence of living together: Providing proof of living together is also important in Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309). You can attach evidence of sharing household duties as a couple, with your Australian Spouse Visa 2023 application.

Extra copies for all passports: Passport copies are of course important in Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309). While travelling abroad this would be a requirement.

Certificates and degrees of all previous academic qualifications: These are important in Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309) as they show the history of the applicants.

Documents for any work experience of applicants, including Appointment letter and Experience certificates: These act as a proof of previous work and academic history in the Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309).

Work salary slips: Salary slips are further documented proof of the work experience and that is why included in Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309).

Official bank statements where the salary is credited as proof of your work experience.

Income documents: Income documents like ITRs are also important in Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309).

Any Previous immigration history of Australian Spouse Visa 2023: Transparency is important while applying for Subclass 309 Partner visa Australia that is why this is included in Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309).

Justification of those visa refusals (mention the reasons): It is also important to include previous refusals in the Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309).

Any visa you may have held previously: Any immigration history documents are important in Partner Visa Australia Checklist (Subclass 309).

Any travel history you might have.

Any previous visa refusals (attach documents).

Any visa you may have applied for and then eventually withdrawn.

Partner visa Australia requirements

It is important to meet all the Partner visa Australia requirements and the most important of the Partner visa Australia requirements are mentioned here. Partner visa Australia 309 aspirants should be in a genuine relationship with their spouse who in turn should be an Australian citizen, permanent resident. Another one of Partner visa Australia requirements is that your partner should sponsor you. And lastly you should be outside Australia while applying for this visa to meet the Partner visa Australia requirements. There are some other Partner visa Australia requirements like Police Clearance Certificate and health examination check.

Is visa 309 permanent residency?

The Partner visa Australia 309 in itself is not a permanent visa instead the 100 Australia partner visa 2023 is Permanent Partner visa (Subclass 100) and after 2 years of Subclass 309 temporary visa is approved you can apply for Permanent Partner visa (Subclass 100), if you are still married to your spouse and living with them.