Preparing for the UK Student Visa Interview

Applying visa to study in the UK is quiet simple and easy than applying for your student-visa to study in any other country. But, facing an interview can be bit twitchy! And to have the UK student-visa in your hand successfully with approval, you need to undergo an interview round taken by the UK Embassy and should be able to stand upto their expectations. Your answers to the questions asked in the interview signify that you’re a genuine student or not. On this basis, you’re given decision that you’ll get approval on your application or rejection.

When do you undergo an interview? Once your online application-form is completed for UK Student Visa, you pay the applicable visa-fees. At this point you’re asked to schedule an interview with the UK Embassy/Consulate. This is the final check that you qualify for the UK Student Visa or not.

Now, to pass an interview for the UK Student Visa, you should thoroughly know about the following points concerning your study in the UK as an International Student:

  • Introducing Yourself
  • About the Country (UK)
  • University/College (where you’ll study in the UK)
  • Program (you intended to study)
  • Future Prospects
  • Sponsorship/Funds
  • What are frequently asked questions in an Interview meant for your UK Student Visa?

    1. Introducing yourself!

    You should be able to introduce yourself confidently. In this you need to add little bit info about your family; academic background; provide info regarding any gap; achievements and work experience. Present your case to the UK Embassy/Consulate as positively as possible.

    1. Studying in the UK

    The questions that can possibly be asked about your studies in the UK can be:

  • Why you chose the UK for your further studies?
  • How the UK will benefit you?
  • If you’re given an opportunity to study again in the UK, would you like to return to the UK for studies again?
  • Do you intend to work in the UK after completing your studies in the UK?

You need to convince the embassy that you’re temporarily coming to the UK for the sole purpose of studying and acquiring globally recognised qualification. AFTER COMPLETING YOUR STUDIES YOU’LL RETURN YOUR HOME COUNTRY. But, if given chance to study in the UK again, you’ll readily accept it. But after completing your studies, you won’t be staying in the UK to work. Remember, YOU WANT TO BE IN THE UK ONLY FOR ACQUIRING WORLD-CLASS EDUCATION OFFERED BY THE UK – this is what you should be able to convey through your answers.

  1. University or College you’re planned to study in the UK

To counter the question regarding your chosen University or College in the UK, you should know where it is located; highlighting points about University that drifted you to choose this particular university/college; in detail location of the University; Rank; Faculty-Profile.

  • Why did you choose the particular university or college?
  • How did you find it?
  • What are points that pursued you to choose this particular university for your higher studies?
  1. Program (that you chose to study in the UK)

You should have detailed knowledge about the End-Start Day of your program; Program’s Course Content; tuition fees etc. You can be asked:

  • Why did you select the particular course?
  • How it is related to your previous academic qualification or work-experience?
  • What is the course content of your course?
  • What is the future scope after completion?
  • How this course will benefit you?
  • What you’ll gain on the course completion?
  1. Future Prospects

You need to draw a clear picture that how your studies in the UK will help you in the future. After completing your study in the UK, how after returning in your home country your UK Degree will help you in the job-market.

  • What do you intend to do after completing your course?
  • What are future plans or goals?
  • How much money you’ll earn after this course completion?
  • What are the designations you think you’ll able to be hired at?
  1. Sponsorship/Funds

Visa Officer is here to verify all the specific details regarding your application and he/she is mean to ask questions about your sponsorship for your study in the UK.

  • Who is your sponsor?
  • How much do they earn in a year?
  • What is the proof that your sponsor will be able to support you for your abroad education?
  • What is the source of their income?
  • Your relation with your sponsor and why they’re sponsoring you?
  • What will be your total expenditure on your studies?

Other questions that Visa-Officer might ask you are:

  • Do you know anybody in the UK?
  • Do you have any friend or relative in the UK?
  • Where do you intended to stay?
  • What Will You Do During The Off Period/Semester?

To tackle all these questions to face the Interview for your UK Student Visa, reach West Highlander.

Why West Highlander?

  • One of the Leading Study-Abroad Consultancy in the region
  • High Visa-Approval Success Rate
  • For the UK, we have veteran Mr Gurvinder Singh – the British Council Education UK Certified Counsellor to guide you through your study in the UK process.
  • Has more than 14 years of experience in providing best study-abroad counselling to the aspirants.
  • Maintain honesty and transparency with our clients on every level.

Along with this for the UK specially, we are going to prepare you for the Interview as well. To have best services and for any other study-abroad query, feel free to call us!