Canada study visa with spouse for Indian students

Canada offers lots of benefits to students who choose it as their study abroad destination. These benefits includes part time work during studies, full time work during semester breaks , post graduation work permit after completion of study in Canada, options for PR in Canada, open work visa for dependent student spouse to name a few. This blog compiled by an experienced Canada study visa consultant at West Highlander Immigration Chandigarh could be useful for applicants wishing to apply for Canada study visa with spouse from India.

This blog covers

  • Requirements of Canada study visa with spouse for Indian students
  • Document checklist for Canada study visa with spouse for students from India
  • Process of Canada study visa with spouse

Requirements of Canada study visa with spouse for Indian students

If you are a married student from India wishing to apply for study in Canada along with your dependent spouse then there are certain requirements you need to meet. Your spouse would be eligible for Canada open work visa if you meet certain requirements.   The requirements are broadly categorised in to 3 parts. These requirements are as below

  • Requirements the main Canada study visa applicants need to meet
  • Requirements both the applicants that is Canada student visa applicant and Canada student dependent visa applicant need to meet
  • Requirements the Canada open work visa applicant that is dependent spouse needs to meet

Requirements the main Canada study visa applicants need to meet

There are 2 basic requirements the main student visa applicant needs to meet. These are as below

  • The first and foremost requirement is that your application for study in Canada must fall under SDS that is student direct stream. This is the basic condition applicants are required to meet if they would like to submit the Canada open work permit visa file along with the student visa file.
  • The second requirement is that the course the main Canada student visa applicant is enrolled must have post graduation work permit rights that is post study work visa after the successful completion of the study program in Canada. If the course does not have post study work visa associated with it then despite the main student visa applicant being eligible for SDS that is student direct stream processing the Canada student dependent applicant will not be able to apply for Open work visa either with the main applicant or after the main applicant has successfully received the visa to study in Canada

Requirements both the applicants that is Canada student visa applicant and Canada student dependent visa applicant need to meet

One of the requirements both the applicants need to meet is of being in a genuine relationship. The student dependent visa application is granted based on your relationship. You must meet the requirements of being legally married and the marriage being done with the intention of maintaining it on a long term basis. Failing to meet this requirement may have negative impact on the application

Requirement the Canada open work visa applicant that is the dependent spouse needs to meet

  • The Canada student spouse visa applicant must have enough funds to support the stay while in Canada. This is one of the requirements of Canada open work permit visa.
  • These funds must be available for your stay in Canada. These must held in your bank account over a period of time
  • You must have good level of establishment in your home country.

Document checklist for Canada study visa with spouse for students from India

There are certain documentations which the applicants need to submit with the visa application.  Document checklist for Canada study visa with spouse for students from India is as below

  • Passport copies of all applicants
  • Identity proofs of all applicants
  • Relationship proofs of all applicants
  • Acceptance letter of the student visa applicant
  • GIC of the student visa applicant
  • IELTS score card with band score of 6 each of the student visa applicant
  • Proof of payment of one year of tuition fee of the Canada study visa applicant
  • Qualification certificate of all applicants
  • Work experience of all applicants
  • Medical of all the applicants
  • Marriage proofs of the applicants
  • Funds of the Canada open work visa applicant
  • Level of establishment of the applicants

Process of Canada study visa with spouse from India

Following is the process the applicants need to follow to apply for Canada study with spouse from India. Applicants must take care that they submit the complete documentation with their application.

  • Select a relevant course for the main student visa applicant. This is very important as the wrong selection of the course may lead to refusal of your Canada visa
  • Send admission application for study in Canada
  • Receive offer letter
  • Pay one year tuition fee
  • Open GIC account of Canadian dollars ten thousand
  • Arrange for health examination
  • Collect Canada study visa documentation
  • Collect Canada student dependent visa documentation
  • Apply for your Canada student visa and Canada student dependent spouse visa online