How to Choose Private Institutes in New Zealand?

There are a number of PTEs or Private Training Establishments in New Zealand. There are a number of reasons which make Indian students choose PTEs over other institutes in New Zealand which will be explained in detail later. These private institutes in New Zealand offer a number of programs which offer a number of career opportunities once you graduate from these programs. There are many advantages to admission to these private training establishments. One of them is that you will get small size classrooms which will help you get personalized training.

This article is dedicated to telling you how to choose PTEs in New Zealand. There are a number of Private Training Establishments in New Zealand but what are the criteria to choose PTEs in New Zealand. This article will help you find the best PTEs for you in New Zealand. To know more about the Private Training Establishments in New Zealand, you can contact West Highlander, the best immigration consultants in Chandigarh, Our director, Ms. Parwinder Kaur is an LIA agent who has the authorization to assist Indian students who want to study in New Zealand. You can contact our team of counsellors who will access your profile thoroughly and will give you the best assistance with your New Zealand study visa.

Why choose PTEs in New Zealand?

There are a number of reasons which state why choose private institutes in New Zealand and they are mentioned in the following paragraphs which will help you to choose PTEs in New Zealand. The requirements to get admission to these PTEs depend on the program you have chosen. There are certain advantages to choosing private institutes in New Zealand.

  1. Lower Fees- Private Training Establishments in New Zealand charge less tuition fees for their programs as compared with other educational institutes. These institutes offer a number of programs to international students with fees which is comparatively less than the other educational institutes in New Zealand.
  2. Strong Industry Connections- PTEs have strong industry connections. These Private Training Establishments will help you grow through strong industry connections and there will be more jobs for international students who graduate from these Private Training Establishments.
  3. Practical Component- These Private Training Establishments have designed their curriculum in a certain way that they have more practical components than any other educational institute in New Zealand. If you take admission to the Private Training Establishments, you will get practical experience on hands.
  4. Job-oriented Education- The education that is offered at the private institutes in New Zealand is job-oriented. You will get enough practical knowledge in your entire program that you will be able to get a job once you graduate from these Private Training Establishments in New Zealand.
  5. Small Classroom- There are less students in PTEs so the classrooms are inevitably small. These small size classrooms will help you get the attention of your teachers which will help you in your personal as well as professional growth.
  6. Personalized Training- As we stated earlier there are comparatively less number of students in Private Training Establishments so you will be able to get personalized training from your staff.
  7. Professional Staff- The staff at these universities is professional and you will get the best possible guidance of the subject, you want to make a career in. There are a number of programs which are offered to international students.
  8. Curriculum is decided with industry partners- The curriculum of the programs which are taught at the Private Training Establishments are crafted in such a manner that the students may fulfil the requirements of the needs of the industries. The curriculum is crafted in such a manner that it meets the demands of certain industrial needs.

These are some of the major reasons to choose private training establishments in New Zealand and are strong enough to make you understand the advantages of getting admission to private training establishments.

How to choose PTEs in New Zealand?

If you want to be sure about a PTE has two confident high judgments in education performance and self-assessment, and wants a job after completing your examination, you need to check whether your PTE is category-1 or not. NZQA checks every PTE each year and decides in which category the PTEs are falling in.

There are also some PTEs which fall under category-2 which are placed in category-2 by NZQA because they have a highly confident judgement in self-assessment and a confident judgement in educational performance.

List of PTEs in New Zealand (Category-1)-

  • AGI Education Limited
  • Aspire 2 International
  • ICL Graduate Business School
  • Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand
  • Auckland Institute of Studies
  • New Zealand Tertiary College Limited
  • New Zealand Management Academies Limited
  • ICL Education Limited
  • ATMC New Zealand Limited

AGI Education Limited

AGI Education Limited is one of the best PTEs in New Zealand. The institute offers you the best educational experience and the top priority of the institute will be your growth. There are a number of healthcare and IT programs that are offered to international students at the campus of AGI Education Limited. The programs that are offered at AGI Education Limited are taught by the leaders of those fields. Each program that is offered at AGI Education Limited is to meet the needs of emerging trends. Some of the programs that are offered at the AGI Education Limited are mentioned below-

  • Diploma in Health Services Management (Level-7)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Software Testing (Level-8)

Aspire 2 International –

Aspire 2 International is a leading tertiary education provider institute for international students. The programs that are offered at Aspire 2 International will train you by getting relevant education and skills to help you succeed in work. There are a number of programs in Health and Wellbeing, IT and computing, Hospitality and Management, Business and Management, and Welding and Fabrication. Some of the programs that are offered at Aspire 2 International are mentioned below-

  • New Zealand Diploma in IT Infrastructure (Level-6)
  • New Zealand Diploma in Hospitality Management (Level-6)
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Management (Level-7)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Transformation in Business (Level-8)

 ICL Graduate Business School

ICL Graduate Business School is another category-1 Private Training Establishment which offers a diverse range of programs in informatics, business, hospitality and tourism, and early childhood education. Some of them are mentioned below-

  • Master of Management (Level-9)
  • Master of Business Informatics (Level-9)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Business (Level-8)
  • Graduate Diploma in Business (Level-7)
  • Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Level-7)
  • Bachelor of Business Information Systems (Level-7)

Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand

Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand is a culinary arts and hospitality institute for international students. The institute is dedicated to preserving and passing on the mastery and application of culinary arts through culinary certificates and diplomas. Some of the programs that are offered at Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand are mentioned below-

  • Bachelor of Culinary Arts & Business (Level-7)

How many PTEs are in New Zealand?

There are a number of PTEs in New Zealand. Some of them fall under category 1 and category 2. Some of them are

  • AGI Education Limited
  • Aspire 2 International
  • ICL Graduate Business School
  • Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand

To know more about these PTEs in New Zealand, you can contact West highlander, the best immigration consultants in Chandigarh.