INZ immigration to review the guidelines for ICT Residence Visa

In order to get assessments for Information and Communications Technology ICT Residence Visa has been accepted to be faulty by Immigration New Zealand.  The immigrations will review the guidelines for ICT Residence Visa.

Immigration of New Zealand has said that it has toughened the decision making for customer Support officers– ICT in  2017 regardless it will assess its system. Statistics have showed that 59 ICT Residence Visa applications were declined in the fiscal year 2017. And, this was twice the numbers in 2016, as quoted by the Radionz Co NZ.

The review by INZ comes even as a cluster of 15 ICT professionals successfully appealed to the Tribunal for Immigration and Protection.  Simon Laurent the legal advocate for the group said that he doubted that INZ staff has developed an insensitive attitude. This was aimed at eliminating a bunch of immigrants whom they considered to be low-skilled.

Laurent said that any role for Customer Support in the present times is dependent on staff leveraging organizational knowledge collated through a Knowledge Database. He said that his appellants offered support for one of the most extensive and largest IT Software and Hardware providers in the world. Its KB is updated regularly and the navigation is not a cake walk for anyone.

He further added that the very definition of a Customer Support Officer – ICT is to offer guidance, education, and support, said Laurent. INZ had turned a complete blind eye to this fact.

Marcelle Foley the Area Manager for INZ said that the agency agrees with the conclusion of the Tribunal for Immigration and Protection in these cases that appraisal was faulty. Reassessing of the applications was underway, she added. INZ is also evaluating the ICT Jobs appraisal guidelines to make certain compliance with the directives of the tribunal, added Foley.

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