Utilize differences as Power not weakness: Trudeau

Canada has now opened to immigration and trade with India. The statement was made public by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at Ahmedabad Institute of Management when he was on his India tour. He also visited the Sabarmati Ashram. He said addressing the gathering at the IIM-A, that there is a massive potential for bilateral business between India and Canada. He assumed that it can produce much high from the current 2 billion $ in service and 8 billion $ in goods added the Canadian PM
Talking on Canada open to immigration, Trudeau said that leaders throughout the world building barriers to the protection of local interests. He further added that Canada believes that the new reality for the forthcoming century will belong to the societies that are assorted.

The biggest challenge which has faced by human society is to achieve something that both countries Canada and India have done well, said Trudeau quoted by the Hindu Businessline.

He said that the differences can be utilized as a source of power and not weakness. With increasing plurality, ideology, ethnicity, religion, and language must be fixed in values which the societies are sharing and subscribing.
The Prime Minister of Canada also spoke on the policy and vision of the nations to open borders to refugees. He said that to support to an economy of the nation, investing for their healthcare and integration is crucial, said Prime Minister of Canada.

Taking inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi, the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau said it is very essential to respect the idea of trusting others.
In order to trust in others and being firm in principles and core values is very essential. It is more important than it was more than half a century or one century ago, said Trudeau.

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