Canada study visa with spouse from India

Canada is a dream study abroad destinations for many Indian students. It has got many benefits to students who choose to study in Canada. One of the biggest attractions is that Indian students can apply Canada study visa with spouse who is eligible for Canada open work visa.

This blog covers

  • Requirements of Canada study visa with spouse for Indian students
  • Requirements the Canada student visa applicants need to meet from India
  • Study in Canada course requirements
  • Requirements the Canada open work permit applicant needs to meet

Requirement of Canada study visa with spouse for Indian students

There is a specific requirement the applicants need to meet if they would like to apply for Canada study visa with spouse. The condition is that the Canada student visa application must fall under SDS that is student direct stream. Only if the Study in Canada application is eligible for SDS processing the dependent spouse may apply for Canada open work permit along with the main student visa applicant

What is student direct stream –SDS for Canada study visa 2022?

SDS is a study visa category for Canada where the students can avail faster processing of their Canada student visa. The students also avail the benefit of providing less documentation to support their visa application for study in Canada.

Requirement the Canada student visa applicants need to meet from India

As mentioned above the main Canada study visa applicant needs to meet the requirement of application being eligible for SDS processing. For the study visa application to be eligible for SDS processing the main Canada student visa applicant needs to meet the following conditions

  • Letter of acceptance from an eligible DLI in Canada
  • IELTS band score of 6 each in all of the four modules of Listening, reading, writing and speaking. For SDS processing, only IELTS is the English language test acceptable.
  • Payment of one year of tuition fees to the college or university of study in Canada
  • Guaranteed Income Certificate that is GIC of Canadian dollars ten thousand
  • Upfront health examination

Study in Canada course requirements

Along with the Study in Canada application being eligible for SDS processing the proposed course in Canada also must have post graduation work permit after completion of the program. This is the study in Canada course requirement to be met to apply for Canada study visa with spouse. If the course of study does not have PSW visa after completion of the program then despite the student visa application being eligible for SDS processing, the open work permit visa for the spouse will not be eligible for simultaneous processing. So the applicants must be mindful that the course they choose must have Post study work visa after the course completion if they would like to apply for Canada study visa with spouse.

Requirements the Canada open work permit applicant needs to meet

Above are the requirements the student needs to meet so that both the applications, that is the Canada student visa application and the Canada student spouse visa application can be applied together at the same time and also processed at the same time.

The dependent spouse visa applicant must also meet certain conditions to apply for Canada open work permit. These conditions must be met irrespective of the fact whether you are applying along with your spouse or after your spouse has got the study visa. Below are the main three requirements applicable to the dependent spouse that is Canada student dependent visa applicant

First Requirement of being in a genuine relationship for Canada open work visa from India

This is first and foremost requirement. You must be in a genuine relationship with your spouse. Only marriage certificate may not be enough as a proof of relationship. It is an evidence that you are married but the requirement is of being in a genuine relationship. For this the applicants need to provide a range of documents in support of the Canada student dependent spouse visa application which shows various aspects of the relationship like public recognition of relationship, financial dependence or interdependence of relationship , social aspects of relationship to name a few. To sum up the applicants must provide the documents in support of Canada open work permit application which shows that the relation has been entered into with an intention of maintaining it on a long term basis.

Second Requirement of having enough funds of support while in Canada for Canada open work permit

The second important requirement is of having funds to support your Canada student spouse visa application. These funds must be held in the applicant’s name and must be accessible to the applicant while in Canada. These funds must also be old. If these are not old then the applicant must have a genuine and a verifiable source from where the funds were transferred.

Third Requirement of Level of establishment in home country for Canada open work visa

Another very important requirement is to prove that you have good level of establishment in your home country. The case officer assessing your application must be satisfied that you have sufficient ties in your home country which would motivate you to depart Canada after your allowed stay on this Canada open work permit.