A Guide to Entrepreneur Work Visa New Zealand

What is Entrepreneur Work Visa?

Entrepreneur work visa is for those people who want to start their own business in New Zealand.  In order to apply for entrepreneur work visa, you need to have a detailed business plan and at least NZ $100,000 to invest in your business. This visa is suitable for those individuals who want to establish a business in New Zealand under the entrepreneur residence category.

With Entrepreneur Work Visa:-

  • You can establish your business in New Zealand
  • You can study, live or work in New Zealand
  • You can also take your partner or dependent children in your visa application

Entrepreneur work visa is granted for 3 years and it consists of two major stages, which are- start-up stage and balance stage.

Start-up Stage

 When your entrepreneur work visa has gotten approved by Immigration New Zealand, you will be given work visa for the period of 12 months, during which you can travel to New Zealand or establish/buy your business. After 12 months, you will need demonstrating your business operations as you have mentioned in your business proposal.  During the validity of your start-up visa, you will need to convince a business migration specialist that capital investment has been transferred to New Zealand through the banking system. This transfer should occur using the bank account you stated in your business plan. You would also need to convince business migration specialist that you have feasible ideas and steps take to establish your business in New Zealand.

You also need to provide several evidences for getting your business started. Some of ther documents are mentioned below:-

  • Documents suggesting the set up your business
  • Documents showing the lease and purchase for business site
  • Invoices for supplies and equipment
  • Bank statements
  • Employment agreement

Balance Stage

 The remaining 24 months of your three year entrepreneur work visa are called Balance Stage.  You need minimum 120 points on the scale of this policy.  You must demonstrate business immigration specialist and convince him why you should be awarded the points you claimed in your application.  You need to have minimum NZ$100,000 in your proposed business plan and you must also satisfy the business immigration specialist that these funds are owned by you or your partner.  If your partner owns the funds, then your partner must support your application.  You cannot borrow investment funds. You will need to provide evidence that you have earned or acquired them legally.

Business Plan

 You must submit detailed and comprehensive business plan to the Business branch at Immigration New Zealand.  This business plan should not be older than three months and must contain all the necessary evidences to support your proposed business.  It must also cover all the financial aspects of your future business, funds, maintenance of funds and cash flow forecast, etc.

 Other essential things to be included in the business plan are- your market research details and how your skills and experience can contribute to running a business in that specific area. English language, character and health requirements must also be met.

Consult the experts of West Highlander

West Highlander is an immigration consultancy firm based in Chandigarh offering meticulous services to the clients. We have got rich experience in the immigration industry.  The director of West Highlander- Ms. Parwinder kaur is New Zealand Govt IAA Licensed. Utilizing her rich experience and knowledge, she guides clients about the correct options so that their chances of visa success can be enhanced.

 To get your case assessed, contact the experts of West Highlander. We would be pleased to offer you sound services and expert advice.