Know about Germany Job Seeker Visa

Germany is one of the strongest economies in the world and an exposure in the German work environment   is a great advantage.

If you already have a job offer with some employer in Germany you may directly apply for your EU Blue card application.

If you do not have a job offer you may still go to Germany on a job seeker visa or an employment visa.  Germany job seeker visa gives you an opportunity to go to Germany and find a job relevant to your qualification there.


The duration of this visa is 6 moths and in this time you may look for a suitable job in Germany. In the event of finding a job in Germany you can stay in Germany while your EU Blue card application is being processed which may take up to 90 days.


To be eligible to apply for Germany Job Seeker visa you must have

  • a University degree and
  • Sufficient funds to maintain yourself for the visa duration of 6 months.

Condition of your job seeker visa

You cannot work while on a job seeker visa in Germany. As the visa name suggests it is only for seeking job relevant to your qualification.

Decision of your job seeker visa

One of the very important document on which your success of Germany jobseeker visa depends is the cover letter. No doubt you are applying for visa for job seeking in Germany but the content of your cover letter would play an important role in positive visa outcome.

You must explain the purpose of your visit and hoe to intent to find job in your relevant field. If in case you are not able to find job what your next step would be. It is very crucial for your cover letter to represent your circumstances, the research you have done to enable you to find a job in your field of study. Applying for Germany job seeker visa is the first step moving towards your filing EU Blue Card application. Even a minor carelessness or incomplete information may result in refusal of the job seeker application.

After finding a job in Germany

Once you have found a job in Germany you can apply for your Germany EU Blue card. A work contract for at least one year is required to apply. In case your profession is regulated you must present the acquired certificate.

Validity of the Blue card

The initial validity of the Blue Card may be up to four years. If the job contract is shorter than the validity is as per the contract period.

Unlimited Residence Permit

A Blue Card holder may apply for unlimited Residence permit after 3 years. If the holder has German language knowledge at B1 level he may apply for unlimited residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) after 2 years.

At West Highlander we ensure that the process of your application for Germany job seeker visa is an easy and a smooth experience. We take care that our client’s applications are prepared as per the policy with regards to the individual circumstances of the applicant. Because of this we are able to maintain one of the highest visa success rates in our region. West Highlander is the best Germany job Seeker visa consultant in Chandigarh.