NZ licensed advice

New Zealand Licensed Immigration Advisors: All You Need to Know

New Zealand immigration license is honored by the Immigration Advisors Authority (IAA) to those persons who have potential to educate immigrants about NZ law. Basically, they are lawyers who have deep knowledge of immigration law which is why they are referred to immigration advisors/ lawyers. They assist you with your immigration reducing all the hurdles you may face when you apply for NZ visa by your own. I must tell you that not anyone can himself be a licensed advisor; hence we are going to tell you what is an advisor/lawyer and their types.

Migrating overseas is not as much easy as you think. It may be one of the toughest moments of your entire life. And, the best way to reducing the stress is to explore licensed immigration advisor for New Zealand. Hence you should know better the difference between who is licensed and who isn’t.

The uncomplicated way to get verified immigration advisor for New Zealand is to visit the official IAA website. If you don’t go there and visit any immigration consultancy, asked them to show their license for NZ. There are a lot of immigration consultancies with immigration lawyers but you just need to check whether they are genuinely verified.

Now we are going to tell you about the responsibility of a licensed Immigration Advisor

As per the law, the person who offers advice related to Immigration to New Zealand has to have a license given by Immigration Advisors Authority. No other person or company can offer you advice regarding New Zealand immigration and visa application.

Why all the immigration advisors are not same?

Generally, there are three types of licensed immigration advisors:

  • Full
  • Provisional
  • Limited

Let’s give you detailed information on all of these for you to gain a better understanding:

Fully Licensed Immigration Advisor: They provide you with information pertaining to a wide-range of immigration matters. They are professional and experienced to manage all immigration-related issues.

Provisionally Licensed Immigration Advisor:  They also provide you the immigration-related matters, but they are different from fully licensed because they have to work under the supervision of full licensed holder.

A limited Licensed Immigration Advisor: These sorts of advisors can only provide you advice on particular and limited matters.

What is a code of conduct of a Licensed Immigration Advisor?

  • A Licensed Immigration Advisor has to meet high competency standards; hence they follow a highly professional code of conduct.
  • Professional immigration advisors will follow this code of conduct:
  • They should be professional, honest and respectful every time
  • They provide up-to-date information to the client on an ongoing basis
  • They only charge fees from you which is reasonable and fair
  • Scope of a Licensed Immigration Advisor for New Zealand
  • An immigration advisor can help you with given below points;
  • They can assist you in preparing your visa application
  • They assess the process if you are able to appeal a visa which was declined
  • They help you to discover the wide range of visa options
  • They can help you in choosing the best option for you

Things that anyone cannot do, except licensed Immigration lawyer:

  • Any person who offers you New Zealand Immigration advice that is not licensed or exempt is not legal and acceptable; in fact, it is an offense under the immigration act
  • If you approach such person, your application will be rejected as you cannot apply for NZ visa without consultation of a licensed Immigration lawyer.
  • Unlicensed People are not allowed to provide you advice.

So, make sure that the advisor you have approached is really a licensed Immigration advisor for New Zealand

If you are looking for an immigration company who has fully licensed advisor/lawyer, then visit West Highlander. We are one of the leading immigration consultancies in India which have 97% success rate in sending people aboard through several visa programs. The company has experienced and fully licensed immigration Lawyer for New Zealand Mrs.  Parwinder Kaur, License No. 201002008 who is allowed to advise clients on  wide range of immigration matters.   We are the first one in the country who has been honored with such license by IAA.