Border exemptions for Spouse dependent visa for New Zealand

Border exemptions for Spouse dependent visa for New Zealand


It is said that distance make the hearts grow fonder.


But for those spouse waiting to be with their partners who are New Zealand Residents or Citizens the good news comes in the form of border exemption.  This is only for spouses of partners who are New Zealand Residents or Citizens.


New Zealand is a land of opportunities where the warmth meets the temperate climate and offers numerous economic opportunities and success on this island country. An advanced economic market along with services and industries expanding in renewable energy, science and technology and products across the various domains social, economical, environmental and cultural have resulted in various immigrants having settled in New Zealand as residents and citizens. Often enquired by those in New Zealand and their spouses sitting miles apart is the right time to be together and apply for spouse dependent visa for New Zealand. Well there is certainly no time like now when the border exemptions are open and welcoming Spouse dependent visa for New Zealand with open arms. One would wonder what the requirements are and how one can successfully apply for Spouse Dependent Visa for New Zealand.

West Highlander is a Licensed Immigration Adviser New Zealand spouse visa consultant in Chandigarh and to apply for New Zealand Partner Visa here is the guidelines and requirements to meet success with your application and be with your partners in New Zealand.


Eligibility of New Zealand supporting Partner (Citizen or Resident of New Zealand)


One of the main requirements of spouse dependent visa for New Zealand is that your partner who is a New Zealand Citizen or resident meets the eligibility requirement to support your spouse dependent visa application. Following are the requirements:

  1. Your partner should NOT have supported a residence application for more than one previous partner in the past.
  2. Your partner should NOT have supported a residence application for previous partner in the last 5 years.
  3. Your partner should NOT have included a previous partner in a residence application which was successful in the last 5 years.
  4. Your partner himself/herself should NOT have been included as a partner in a successful residence application in the last 5 years.
  5. Your partner should not be liable for deportation or have any deportation liability suspended.
  6. Your partner who is a resident or citizen in New Zealand would be required to complete a partnership support form for residence to support your application.


Requirements for New Zealand Resident and Citizen: For sponsoring spouse dependent visa of their partners


Immigration Status

For confirming the immigration status your partner needs to provide any one of the documents:

  1. New Zealand passport
  2. New Zealand birth certificate
  3. Certificate of New Zealand citizenship
  4. New Zealand residence class visa
  5. If your partner is New Zealand resident because of being an Australian resident or citizen then they need to provide an Australian passport, permanent residency or resident return visa.


Place of Residence


In case your partner is a New Zealand resident because of them holding an Australian passport, permanent residence or resident return visa they must be living in New Zealand and need to provide proof in form of:

  1. Letters or any bills that are addressed to the partner
  2. Employment records
  3. Benefit payment record from work and income, tax record
  4. Mortgage, utility supply agreement or tenancy
  5. Any other document proving your partner lives in New Zealand.


Partner’s Character

Your partner needs to meet the character requirement and would be required to supply a police certificate from a country where they have spent 12 months or more in the last 10 year period.


Requirements for a spouse of New Zealand Resident and Citizen: For spouse dependent visa


As this is a spouse dependent visa the following documents are crucial for meeting the requirements


Relationship documents

In order to meet the visa requirement you and your partner should have lived together in a genuine and stable relationship for 12 months or more and documents should verify:

  1. Time duration of you and your partner living together.
  2. Shared financial responsibilities bills such as utility bills, electricity bills and rental agreements.
  3. Timeline showing the genuineness of relationship-photographs together, email and social median conversations
  4. Proof that other people recognize your relationship-such as emails, marriage invitation rsvp and other documents.
  5. Any other document verifying that you and your partner have lived together in a genuine and stable relationship.



Identity documents

Your New Zealand spouse visa consultant in Chandigarh would advise you to provide the following:

  1. Copy of a valid passport
  2. Birth Certificate copy in case applying online
  3. State issued Identity documents
  4. Photographs



Health and Character documents

  1. You would need to get a health checkup done and provide certificate as stated by the New Zealand immigration laws.
  2. Further, you need to provide character documents from a country where you have lived for 12 months duration or more in the last 10 years.


Why West Highlander?

  1. We are the best New Zealand Spouse Visa Consultant in Chandigarh with over 15 years of experience.
  2. We have the highest application success rate in the region and experience of over 15 years.
  3. We are registered and licensed immigration consultants for New Zealand in Chandigarh.
  4. Our counselors provide FREE profile assessment to start your process so that we understand your requirement of immigration and we are on the same page as you.
  5. We believe in efficient results at an affordable price which has been our vision for the success of our clientele and ours too.