Career in Engineering in Australia, New Zealand and Canada

Engineers are in huge demand all over the world. It is an amazing career option with growth whether it is a developed economy or a developing economy Engineers are always in need in all engineering occupations. You have range of options to choose from depending on your interest civil, structural, chemical, electrical, electronics, mechanical, environmental, materials, aerospace and numerous other industries. It is a very high paying job with good growth potential.

One of the important things to start a career in this ever dynamic field is to have a qualification in this line from a reputable college and University. Having a qualification from a country recognized world over gives you an option to have a career in a country

Job Title

  • Chemical Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Electronics Engineer
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Geologist
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Mining Engineer
  • Petroleum Engineer
  • Project Manager
  • Telecommunications Engineer
  • Aeronautical Engineer
  • Agricultural Engineer
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Building and Construction Manager
  • Network Engineer
  • Process Engineer
    Pay scale average annual range for different occupations (

  • Australia $71963- $ 77153
  • New Zealand $ 64903- $ 69814
  • Canada $ 64103- $ 75290
  • Germany Euros 48233- 56477
    Career in Engineering in New Zealand

    Engineers are highly in demand in New Zealand.  The Long term skills shortage list of Immigration New Zealand has  Engineers listed in it. There are immense job opportunities for these professionals. If you have a qualification from New Zealand   you may be eligible to have a career in Engineering in New Zealand. As per the policy of INZ you may be eligible to apply for SMC if you complete the policy requirement. A qualification from a New Zealand makes you eligible to score points under SMC. The pay scale for Engineers varies depending upon the location and the experience. There is acute need of Civil and Structural engineers to help rebuild Christchurch

    To work as an Engineer you need a qualification from New Zealand or if you are qualified overseas you must meet the benchmark requirements for Chartered Professional Engineer in New Zealand. To work as an Engineer in New Zealand you do not need to be registered but few of the jobs may require registration. If you have a qualification from New Zealand you can get a good head start in your career. As an Engineering student in New Zealand you can join the Engineering professional body Engineering New Zealand for free and avail number of benefits which would help you with your Career in Engineering.

    Career in Engineering in Australia

    As per the current information available from Department of home affairs, Australia website Engineers are on the combined list of eligible skilled occupations. This implies that you may have career in Australia in Engineering if you are qualified for the same and meet all other requirements. There are immense job opportunities for Engineers in Australia. Having a recognised degree from an Australian Institute would make you eligible for extra points of an Australian qualification.

    You need to have an accredited Australian qualification to work as an engineer in Australia. If you are qualified overseas your qualification must be assessed by Engineering Australia- a professional body of Engineers in Australia

    Career in Engineering in Canada

    Engineers feature in the NOC- National Occupation Classification list for Canada as per the current information. If you have a qualification in this you may have a career in Engineering in Canada. A degree   from Canada can give you a good head start. Canada is a big country with every province having its requirement for profession.

    Engineering is a regulated profession in Canada. You need to be licensed to practice in Canada as an Engineer by Engineers Canada. You need to meet the criteria of Qualification, experience, professionalism, character and language to get the license. If you qualified overseas as an Engineer then to then you need to have your qualification and work experience assessed by Engineers Canada in order to be licensed to work as an Engineer in Canada.


    There is range of options for students to do Engineering course from developed country like- Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany. Depending on your current qualification in your home country you may choose to do Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Graduate Diplomas, and Bachelors, Masters, and Post Graduate Diplomas, Associate degree in New Zealand, Canada, Australia, and Germany.