New Zealand government is committed to encourage International Education Sector

New Zealand government has already released a draft international education strategy. The draft sets out broad goals and priorities with a specific emphasis that government would play encouraging role for the further development of New Zealand’s international education sector through. The draft was released by the NZ government on 30 June 2017. The main motive of the government is to grow the economic value of the country’s education exports from the NZ $4.04 billion to NZ$5 billion over the next eight years.

“International education has grown rapidly to become New Zealand’s fourth biggest export earner,” said Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Paul Goldsmith. “The draft strategy aims to ensure New Zealand continues to benefit from international education through a high quality and sustainable international education sector. The government will work with the sector to encourage the development of innovative products and services, and continue to diversify our markets and to support regional economic growth.”

If we glance at the past results of the international enrolment in NZ was grew up to 6% in 2016.  India and china has played a great role as a sender for New Zealand, whereas Chinese student numbers grew by 13% in 2016 and the number of Indian students declined by 3%. Education New Zealand notes that “This change was concentrated across the unfunded Private Training Establishments (PTEs) (-1268, -10%) and funded PTEs (-1092, -13%) sectors, but was offset by growth in English Language Teaching (+254, 391%) and Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (+792, 12%) sectors. This is a rebalancing of the India market, following the implementation of Rule 18 in 2015, and subsequent additional measures.”

On the other hand, NZ government has added new rules that will make it harder for overseas workers including foreign students to qualify for the skilled migrant visa category. It will become more difficult for overseas graduates who cannot met the new requirements to stay and work in the country after their studies or to pursue permanent residency in New Zealand

The government is continuously making strong its regulatory to develop consistency and ensure quality education. The will make sure that legal students are connected to study in New Zealand that they are more probably to succeed  in their study and that their post-study opportunities are well understood.